Thursday, June 21, 2012

Insanity Day 1

For months, I have been telling myself that I need to get to work.  I step on the scale and 187 blinks at me. I have never been this heavy in my entire life.  I don’t look like I weigh almost 200 pounds, do I? Then I think about going to the pool and want to vomit.  There is no chance in hell anyone will see me out in public in a bikini.  Still I can’t find the motivation to work out.  Day in and day out this routine  continues, occasionally going for a run or giving a half hearted attempt to do insanity with my roommate. 

Last night , I was sitting in my apartment wasting time on pinterest.  I stumbled across this blog, The before and after picture spiked my interest. Here was a girl who looked to be close to my size and then bam, she was fit.  The words, there is no way this is real, kept rolling through my mind.  However, the more I browsed her blog and “got to know her”, the more I realized that she really did it. From 195 with 38 % body fat to 145 and 17% body fat in 2 years.  It’s all the motivation I needed, I told myself tomorrow I am going to wake up and transform myself into a better healthier me.  I even ordered a new pair of kicks, because let’s be honest, one can never have to many pairs of shoes.

So today I am off work and woke up around 9. I planned on running and then realized it was a billion degrees outside, silly Indiana. So instead I just laid around for a while.  I remembered Laura’s blog so I went back to it.  Still astonished by the transformation, I decided to dig out my roommates Insanity videos.  I had done them a few times and thought to myself this shouldn’t be too bad, I’m not that out of shape. I realized I couldn’t find his workout scheduled, so thanks to technology I was able to find a copy online. Day 1, Fit Test.  This shouldn’t be too bad.  I decided that if I was going to start this I better jump on the scale and see what this scary starting point is, 187 on the dot.  Alright let’s get this going.

Starts with a warm up, not bad I can get through this. I’m breathing heavily, but nothing to extreme.  Each test lasts for 1 minute. First up switch kicks-58. Holy shit my legs feel like jello. Must. Power. Through. Next, power jacks-20. Hold on Shaun T, I have to take an extra long break. Let me just pause the video and get back to you in five. 

Alright ready to go again. Power knees-60. My abs are ripping .  I can still do this though. Power jumps-16. Must lay down and cool off…... oh crap, I passed out for 20 mins.  Here we go again. Globe jumps-6. What the hell, oh wait that guy only did 7 when he started.  I feel a lot better now.  Suicide jumps-14. Oh I remember these from high school, you know those days when I was in shape and thought I was fat, hah!  Okay another 5 minute break.  Only 9 more minutes to go.

Push up jacks-7. I can’t do push ups to save my life. These jacks are going to kill me.  3 in…omg keep going Kristine…2 more..oh jeeze…1 more…I can’t do these, I’m just going to do girl push ups instead, there that’s better 10 push ups before the time ran out.  I know that’s not what Shaun said to do, but I couldn’t do another one of his and didn’t just want to stop.  Last test, Low Plank Oblique-31 holy shit that hurt, but I’m done!  

Well, that was rough, but I survived it. I probably could have done it without so many breaks. Next time I will strive for only 2.  I am going to keep doing this.